Today was what Wednesday should have been. Which is to say that I very deliberately took it easy today. But it was hard going to stay slow.
And not for the obvious reasons.

Foolishly I decided to go into the town centre today, somewhat forgetting that today is Saturday, and specifically at that time it was Saturday afternoon. A busy time. In my head I had it down as being Sunday, because that would be a typical Sunday morning route.
So it was busy. Stationary cars. Road works. Buses. People everywhere. Not ideal.
Also it was wet.
Well, damp.
At some points I got very dirty from puddles and still moist (horrible word) road / pavement mess. Yucky.

One thing kept happening to me today was that my ear phone kept cutting out. I know. I know. Riding on the roads with headphones in, it’s stupid and dangerous.
Well, I only use one. Not that it vindicates that. But I keep it on about one third volume, and I only wear it on the pavement / left ear. Also it’s a Google Pixel bud, so if you have them you know they leak noise like mad.
But yeah. Not safe.
Anyway it has been doing this thing on outdoor rides now for a while where it works for about ten minutes and then it just stops. It kills the mp3 dead and it’s like the app crashed. I tried various apps, from vlc to Google Files thing, and even YouTube and others. They all do it. There’s seemingly no reason why. It just stops. And not just when on the bike either. It happens a lot on my walks. It’s maddening. Happened a lot today. That just added to my stop / start frustrations.
I think tomorrow will be a walk. I’ve left the bike unwashed because I’ll almost certainly head out on Bank Holiday Monday. But either way it will be due a good wash then.
For now, bed time. I’m late writing this and it’s been a long day.