It looked nicer than it actually was today. Standing still, and without the wind, the day was pleasant – probably enough to get a sun tan, if you’d stayed out in it long enough. But once on the bike and moving at a steady pace, the wind was noticeable. I was definitely glad of the arm warmers.
Somehow or other I ended up on a small part of National Cycling Route 62 today. I learned about the National Cycling Network in a book I read over Christmas – One Man And His Bike by Mike Carter – a real life story about a guy who decides one day to cycle all around the UK (counter clockwise). Ever since I’ve been looking out for these routes, so when I spotted this one today, I followed it and ended up down by the River Ribble and Avenum Park.
Actually, after this I lost the route. I guess it went towards the coast where I headed inland.

Aside from this, today was fairly uneventful.
I deliberately took a relaxed pace, pushing here and there but by and large doing very little hard work.
As ever, I had unending issues with Tickr. Total garbage. Ready to throw that thing in the bin at this point. Still no reply from Wahoo, either.

Whether or not I take a ride tomorrow I do not know. I have the option of doing the next stage of the Tour of Watopia 2021, or taking a rest day and doing that ride on Monday morning.
I do know the weather is due a down turn over the next 24 hours. Just in time for the easing of outdoor lock down meet up rules, and easter egg hunting. Bloody typical.
Anyway, whatever, I’ve done plenty this week. Whether or not I do one more ride is neither here nor there.