Today’s ride was intended to be a steady state, moderate ride. I’d say it was on the higher end of that spectrum as I accidentally picked the 2.9w/kg bots instead of the 2.6w/kg, and for the first few minutes I wasn’t sure how long I might be able to hold on to them.
I still feel like I’m finding my feet when it comes to the right ranges to be in, since switching back to using the Neo as the primary power source. This was a good example of that.

One other thing I’m definitely suffering from lately is that whenever my hands go remotely near the Garmin, it seems to lag for a few seconds, and if I hang around for too long, the connection cuts out. That happened to me once today, leading to me having to sustain 6w/kg just to get back on. Crazy.

I’m not feeling too bad after the ride. Tired, for sure, but glad I did it. What with it being December, birthday season, party season, food season, I’m out yet again this evening for more restaurant tier junk. It’s bad for the waistline, and the wallet. So getting in a solid ride at lunch felt like a good way to offset some of that damage. Pity I can’t pedal away the pounds in the financial sense.

Right now though I think the biggest wins are the gradual ones. The harder rides aren’t too hard. I’m pushing myself, but I’m not going ridiculously hard. The climbs are helping, for sure. And rides like this are just solid ‘hours’ in the legs.
I have no clue what to do yet tomorrow. One thing I do find with these group rides is that they are a little dull. Maybe a workout is in order, but my legs don’t feel like they would thank me.