Three outdoor riding days in a row, in summer kit, and in March. Let’s hope this is the start of a nice new trend for the year.
I mean, I know it’s due to rain tomorrow – but that’s fine, it’s rest day. And then Friday through Monday is the Easter weekend, so I’m hoping to get Stage 1 of the Tour of Watopia 2021 done during the day time. All good.
That left me free to have a guilt free outdoor jaunt on my lunch break.

I plotted a fairly flat and ideally steady route round Preston today, not straying too far from home. I knew the route I’d planned would take approximately one hour, given that several parts are stop / start, or go-slow areas due to foot traffic.
Mostly things went well today.
There was one mishap. Quite the comedy error.
One section of my route today covered the 15% dip and climb on Preston’s Guild Wheel.
I went down the hill faster than usual in a nice hard gear, only to be met by the U-bend about half way up the climb back out. Crunching up the gears, I managed to lose my chain. Amazingly, I didn’t fall off. I fear I would have done, had this happened even just a few months ago.
Anyway, I was off the bike when two old boys came down the hill.
Taking one look at me they were all “oooh yes, you really are best to walk up this hill, it’s very steep.”
I was protesting, “but sirs, I have had a mechanical, I assure you. My chain has slipped and…”
But they were having none of it. “Yes, better to walk up here, that’s the safest bet.”
Whatever I said, I couldn’t convince them of my majestic cycling prowess. And sadly I had to push up the hill, not able to get back on and clip back in – once I’d got my chain back on – in the middle of that hill.
Funny, anyway.
But it did bug me for the rest of the ride. Dammit I can get up that hill!

So that was that.
Planning to have a rest day tomorrow, the ToW 2021 Stage 1 on Friday daytime. I have to do it then, that’s the last day of Stage 1.
To be honest, given the weather, I’d accept missing out on indoor stuff whilst the outdoor conditions are so nice. Round here, you have to take them when you can get them.
And take I shall.