Having ridden every day this week I wasn’t feeling super fresh and raring to go for this one. However the weather was too good to pass up on, particularly as the forecast between tomorrow and the next 10 days is all rain.
With that in mind I decided to kit up and head out, albeit for a shorter ride than I’d have liked given the conditions. Looks like I’m not going to make it on any particularly long rides this week at this point, which kinda sucks.

I needed to be back home for 4pm to take my youngest out for a swim. With that in mind I plotted a 45km route, knowing that if I got about an hour out and still wasn’t looking like I’d be about half way, I’d turn back at that point regardless and head home.
And with the weird route I’d planned taking way longer than anticipated, it was necessary to cut the ride short, unfortunately.
See today I found myself on a long trail route. A first for me. And honestly, one I’m not in any rush to repeat. Bumpy. Busy. And with all the stop starts and wrong turns, basically no fun.

Not to mention my route took me through Preston Town center (it’s a city allegedly, but it’s not a true city) which involved a fool pulling out in front of me at a roundabout, then a guy getting aggressive as he took up both lanes whilst turning. And another lady getting the hump as I scared her: “ring your damn bell”…
Yeah. It sucked.

Frankly aside from the nice weather (there was a horrible head wind, but the sun was welcome) this ride would be better off forgotten.
It’s a shame really as there looks to be some good climbs a little further afield on this route, but should I choose to head there in the future I’ll be taking an alternative route. Or going very early.
Im guessing my next ride is going to be a turbo session. I don’t know when or what. But I do know tomorrow is a rest day.
And whilst I’m not “ready for it”, I’m certainly going to enjoy it.