Two Washes

Just a light spin tonight. Or at least, that was the aim. I wanted to wash my bike, mission accomplished, and then as the weather was nice I decided I’d go for a 30 minute / 10km recovery spin. Due to illness, it’s been a while since I’ve been out (aside from this weekend) so I was keen to get back out on the open road whilst the going was still good.

Anyway, off I went, no real route in mind. Along the way I decided I’d go for a cycle around Moor Park. As I was about to get there, about 5km into the ride, and maybe 10 minutes in, the heavens opened.

And so I turned around, sharpish.

There went the recovery spin. I ended up going a bit too hard to try and get home and beat the downpour. But of course, then after I’d exerted myself, the heavy rain eased off, and then stopped entirely.

So ultimately I did get to do the 10km ride, and by the end of it I was back to dry again.

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