I knew I’d see a dip in form being off the bike for two weeks, and it was so noticeable today. I’d say that prior to injury, I was probably at, or very close to my all time highest fitness level.
There was a period a couple of years back where I seemed to be posting mega numbers (comparative to normal), but I have questioned those for ages as I couldn’t seem to ever get back close to them.

More recently I’ve felt really good, and that had translated into some of my best rides over the distances and durations I care about (1 hour, mostly).
As I say, I knew being off the bike for 2 weeks – and doing very little physical activity in that time – would have a detrimental effect, and today I felt that for sure.

A long time ago, someone said to me that with cycling it never gets easier, you just get faster. And so it was today – I felt like I was working hard at some points, but the numbers tell a different story. Again, comparatively.
Anyway, no point dwelling on that. The situation is what it is, and it probably will get a little worse before it improves any.
I’m away now for Wednesday and Thursday, so my next ride will be Friday. I believe the weather is due to hold. In fact, I believe the weather where I’m going is going to be 29c… which is ideal for working in an office, in two days of back to back meetings.
Can’t wait.