My idea today was to head out into the countryside, getting in a good loop out there before heading back and taking it slightly easier on a small sliver of the Guild Wheel, before heading back home.

Being my lunch break, I had 60 minutes to cram in getting ready, riding, getting home, changed, and fed. Quite ambitious. Didn’t quite manage to do all of that in the time alloted, but close enough.
Super windy out there today. Quiet enough, thankfully, but blowing hard meaning either a crazy headwind or a rocket ship tailwind. It never seemed anything else.
I was planning on only riding at tempo, but that kind of went out of the window when the wind was at its strongest. I had to work.

One mega downside to outdoor riding is the dull ache I’m getting in my right shoulder now after every ride. Today is no exception. It’s really quite painful. Sadly I don’t think I can do anything to improve this. It’s a harsh reality of the outdoor road surface, I’m convinced.
Beyond that though, all in a good, if fairly short ride today. Three rides into the week I’ve only just clocked up two hours on the bike. Not ideal. I need to get in a couple more hours over the weekend. Not sure how that will pan out with the weekend I have ahead, but we shall see.
On that note I may try to head out after work tomorrow evening. That’s weather dependant. After all, I’ve just washed my bike. It’s back to pristine and sweat free. Bonus.