Probably should have had a rest day today. If it wasn’t for the desire to meet a weekly distance goal I would have surely skipped today. However, if it wasn’t because of those goals maybe I would have given up a long time ago?
Who knows.
What I do know is I wasn’t really in the mood for a ride today. Struggling to pick a route I ended up down a little section of the Guild Wheel which is always quite stop / start. Maybe a more productive ride would have been to stick to the roads and avoid that effort.

More productively I could and perhaps should have done a Zwift session. But my word, I just want to get out a bit. I’m sick of being in front of this computer all day every day.
Right now the weather is so ‘nice’ that we’re being issued with water shortage notices. That’s pretty crazy for the middle of September here in the UK. But it does mean some extra outdoor rides before the inevitable ice and snow arrive. Then I’ll be forced to Zwift come what may.