Each week I try to review and reflect on my previous week on the bike. This allows me to see how my fitness and ability is progressing on a wider timescale than day to day. For previous weekly reviews please click here.

A fairly tiring week at work led to a bit of a downer in terms of overall activity and what have you. I suspect that may continue somewhat over the next week as I’m honestly pretty wiped from the new gig. I’m enjoying it, but they are working me.
There’s some stuff to discuss on the stats front, and generally I’m feeling really “anti road” at the moment. I guess as it’s heading more into the darker nights and the cooler months then that’s not such a bad place to be.
Here are this week’s rides:
- Tuesday – Time Flies When You’re On Two Weeks Free Trial (Outdoors)
- Wednesday – Road Side Recovery (Outdoors)
- Thursday – I Have Psychological Issues (Outdoors)
- Saturday – Escape The 5 Year Olds (Outdoors)
- Sunday – Ride Ruiner (Outdoors)
It took me a while to figure out, but as best I can tell the reason I’ve been “unproductive” / orange for so long now is because my FTP dropped but my workout intensity hasn’t.
My theory goes, therefore, that statistically I appear to be massively over training.
I don’t think I am. I don’t feel like I am.
Yes, I have been tired the last two weeks but more mentally than physically. Starting any new gig is mentally exhausting. Learning a new code-base is taxing. But out on the open road I’ve felt decent. And indeed some of my performances have been strong. Most rides are prompting me to bump my FTP back up to 234 or so.
I think that is also why my VO2 max is steadily declining… though I really don’t understand that enough to give anything more than a guess.
In short I think I have two options:
- Retake the FTP test – probably just do the 20 minute test at this point. I’m not a pure sadist.
- Just say sod it, whack in 234w as my FTP and crack on.
Imagine which one I’m swaying towards.

The other thing is I’m becoming seriously anti road.
I mean, that’s not quite fair.
I love being out on the quiet country lanes. The fresh air. The scenery. The peace and quiet. The challenge of a good hill.
But getting there.
Woah nelly.
I’m really not enjoying the frequent a-hole motorists.
Yes, going through town is my own fault. That’s clearly where more traffic is going to be. So my bad. And my reactions to … incidents, shall we say, could be more civil / improved. Another thing on me.
But I’d really rather not put myself in those positions in the first place.
So as the nights get darker sooner, and the cold draws in, I have to ask myself if I should re-dedicate myself to why I started this site in the first place:
Cycling on the turbo.
I’m in two minds.
It’s really, really hard to get on the turbo when I’m tired of staring at the monitors for hours already. It’s no easier when it’s sunny out and the thought of one of the better rides fills my thoughts.
Shame it’s not always roses out there in the real world.
Food for thought.
Like I said at the start this week, last week, next week… I’m not expecting much from myself.
Bike stuff is a God send. Getting away from it all is huge for me. I think that’s why I love ‘running away’ to the country side. It’s so freeing. Would I feel that way if I worked full time for myself? If only I knew.
Right now I’m wanting to try Rouvy. That’s an indoor platform. I’d have quite liked another stab at RGT but my Wahoo 2 week trial ran out far quicker than I expected… two weeks goes fast, sometimes.
So yeah, I’ll try a new platform… but to be honest the call of Zwift is large.
I see the Zwift Academy 2022 is starting up in September and as I DNF’d that 2021 series I’m kinda keen to make amends. The truth is though I don’t want to pay for two programs when I’m barely making use of one even when it’s free.
Let’s see how we get on. Usual stuff – 100km, 5 rides, anything more is a bonus.
On the plus side, 4 day week.