Weekly Review June 10th – 16th 2024

Each week I try to review and reflect on my previous week on the bike. This allows me to see how my fitness and ability is progressing on a wider timescale than day to day. For previous weekly reviews please click here

Midweek went well, Saturday could have been better. However, overall not a bad week and generally I kept it steady, with one harder ride on Wednesday. I’d be happy if the week ahead is more of the same.

Here are this week’s rides:

Out of all the week’s rides, Monday and Wednesday were the best of the bunch.

I got in a solid session to kick start the week, pushing hard for the majority of the ride.

By comparison, Tuesday was a far easier ride. Shorter, too. This was partly because I had errands to do whilst riding, and partly because the route I chose, whilst taking me on some new paths, involved a lot of stop / start. By the end of that ride I felt more frustrated than I did when I set off.

Then I made up for that on Wednesday. I think it’s easier to go hard on Wednesday now, knowing I have two rest days between.

Again, I’d love to repeat Wednesday this week, if at all possible. That ride involved a trip out to Beacon Fell, and what I would consider my first proper climb in a good while. It would be nice to head on out to Longridge in the week ahead and do a climb of Jeffrey Hill.

The only downside is that my gears are currently … messed up.

I remember when I got my 105 fitted, the mechanic said I’d need to call him back and get him to tighten up the cables after riding for a bit. I think that’s where I’m at. Right now my shifting is all over the show. The front is absolutely fine, sharp as ever. But the rear cassette is a real mess.

But yeah, overall a good week and I’ll be more than happy with a repeated performance.

Here’s to the week ahead.

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