Each week I try to review and reflect on my previous week on the bike. This allows me to see how my fitness and ability is progressing on a wider timescale than day to day. For previous weekly reviews please click here.

This week’s rides were as follows:
- Tuesday – Full Bike Service Day (Indoor / Zwift)
- Wednesday – Wheely Good Times (Outdoors)
- Thursday – L’Etape du Tour Training Club – Workout #1 – Aerobic 12’s (Indoor / Zwift)
- Friday – Inefficient Friday Exploration Ride (Outdoors)
- Sunday – The Duke of Lancaster (Outdoors)
Outdoors three times this week, which considering it’s only early March, I will very much take.

Starting off this week, I had the mobile bike mechanic round on Tuesday evening for a bike service and more importantly (from my point of view) to replace the exploded rear tyre, and double check I hadn’t completed goofed up the front tyre.
This meant Tuesday night’s ride was shorter than planned (as I had to be off the bike for it to be fixed!) and therefore I felt like I started the week behind schedule, at only 15km or so on the clock.
Fortunately, with a repaired bike, the following evening meant I could head outdoors. I got in a nice 30km ride out towards Beacon Fell (for the first time so far this year), and was really happy with how the bike felt, and the workout in general. Plus the roads were nice and quiet, what an absolute bonus.

The weather took a bit of a let down on Wednesday, and I’d made some other commitments so my ride wasn’t what I’d planned.
Instead I picked a ride off Zwift’s structured workouts (L’Etape du Tour Training Club – Workout #1 – Aerobic 12’s), mainly choosing it because the graph looked pretty.
My knee felt a bit weird during that ride. Not sure if it’s the high cadence stuff on Zwift which kinda twinges my knee as the turbo adjusts between intensities. It’s happened before.

As a bunch of my new computer parts arrived on Friday, I initially wasn’t going to ride. But sense got the better of me and I figured what with an early finish it would be rude not to get outdoors.
And I’m glad I did.
The ride was nothing special, but getting some fresh air and clearing my head was a nice way to start the weekend.
Even more so because Saturday was absolutely garbage. I was up at 7am with the intention of building my new PC. Fast forward to 6pm and I’d just about got it working. I hit on two pain in the arse challenges, which I won’t bore you with, but were typical computer crap that wasted my entire day.
As such I felt frustrated as all hell.

Which is kinda why I went for a much longer ride on Sunday.
Now, Sunday’s ride was easily the highlight of the riding week. Getting out to Beacon Fell on a repaired bike on Wednesday was nice, but a proper long riding session of over 1 hour and > 50km was what I needed.
Plus it was nice to have sights to see when I got there.
So yeah, really enjoyed Sunday’s ride. Only downside was forgetting to use chamois cream pre-ride. Whoops.
I’m still not entirely sure why the Garmin is saying I’m under my optimal training load. And it reported I was detraining after Sunday’s ride. Sad times.
In other news, I’m still locked out of RGT Cycling. That sucks. I might just create a new account, it’s probably easier and quicker.
Now that I have my new PC up and running I want to get The Sufferfest sorted out once and for all. I’ve been saying this for months now… could this next week ahead finally be the one?
Well, I also want to finish off the Zwift Academy 2020 workout series, so may do that tomorrow. Or I may have tomorrow as a bit of a recovery ride, and then start again on with a harder session on Wednesday.
The week ahead looks garbage from a weather point of view, so it looks like indoors only for now.
I’m still feeling it in the thighs from yesterday anyway, so for now, I’m going to enjoy my rest.