It’s been a pretty tough week out there on the bike. Part of the issue is I’ve not managed a full hour on two out of three rides, which has brought the overall distance covered – so far – down by about 5-10km, but even so, I’m definitely lacking overall.

I will say it’s harder out there on the roads to accrue the distance. There’s the wind, the rubbish road surfaces, the traffic, etc. Compare that to Zwift where you only have to pedal, and the conditions are always perfect…
But yeah, I needed a bit of a break from the indoor stuff.

I’d like to get back on though, and do some climbing. I reckon that’s where my next set of good gains can come from. If I do some harder climbing rides each week, that should be a good kick up the backside to get my fitness improving faster.

Today was supposed to be an easy-ish ride, and mostly that was the case. The problem really was the route choice was a bit boring – partly because it’s been raining off and on, so that cuts out a lot of the paths and tracks that get horrible when even remotely wet. But partly it’s just that I can’t get too far from home at lunch, so I just end up doing the same tired routes again and again.
Yeah, bit of a downer then today. Glad it’s rest day tomorrow I know that. Then we shall see what the weekend has in store.