Well, this one didn’t really go to plan.
Because the plan was to do a recovery ride. And as it happened, I ended up doing four climbs – three of which were short, sprint-y / burst-y climbs. The fourth, whilst not a full on climb, was enough to register on the Garmin Climb Pro. So it was definitely something.
I figured I’d do today’s ride on Zwift. Either one of the Academy group rides, or more likely, an hour at active recovery pace under a structured workout. In hindsight, that probably would have been the better option. As I complained about yesterday, my shoulder is really hurting again from today’s ride. Bad times. Hopefully it’s not getting worse.
I messed up my route for this ride. I had planned on 20km, but due to some bad route planning, I ended up kinda cutting it short and then doubling back, and doing a bit of an extended route closer to home. No real downsides to this.
Apparently it’s going to be nice enough day again tomorrow. Well, highs of 12c. As such I might try and get out again. I don’t know. Today was cold.
I have the next Zwift Academy Workout to do. I’d like to do that as a group ride. Sunday is probably the best day for that.
However, I’m also pretty tired. Both mentally and physically. It’s been a long week for sure. Perhaps a rest day is the best shout. I really don’t know. I want to ride, but I don’t want to over do it. At least if I Zwift, I won’t end up with shoulder pain. That’s something. My legs probably won’t thank me though. Have to see how I feel. Right now I want to sleep.