Here endeth my most intensive bike week ever. At least, to the best of my recollection. It’s a shame that Garmin is so utterly broken right now ($10m ransom demanded, apparently) as I’m unable to pull out any real stats from this or any of my other rides this week.
I picked a deliberately flat route for this one. The alternative was to stay indoors and hit the Fuego Flats on Zwift, but I wanted to get out into the “sun” (cloud, but still, not rain), and test out the new Rapha jersey I’d bought last week. It performed well enough, seeming really rather similar to the Mavic Cosmic Gradient jersey I wore on the Trough ride.

I’m still largely underwhelmed by the thoughts of riding on Zwift / indoors generally at the moment. I suspect as the winter draws in it’s going to be my only option, so whilst there is daylight and dry roads to be had outdoors, that’s where I want to focus most of my efforts.
There really wasn’t anything much else to report on this one. Just a gentle ride to spin out the legs. Mission achieved.
It’s been a great week really, and I still have a week left before the new role so I’m hoping to get in more longer cycling routes between now and then. Friday in particular looks gloriously sunny, so here’s hoping to another great week ahead.