Another Windy Day In Paradise

A good ride today. Longer than a usual weekday, partly because I didn’t get to ride yesterday (due exclusively to weather) and wanted to “make up for it”. And partly because I needed a break from work.

Going out early – mid-morning – meant quiet roads. Everything was pretty perfect, except for getting stuck behind a tractor at one point – you can see that on the map above right at the top, where the line goes grey, followed by a burst into purple where I sprinted to overtake it.

That sprint was 924w for 5 seconds, which is almost a record for me. Pretty good stuff outdoors, especially given I was about 25-30km into the ride at that point.

I went out with the plan of riding hard for an hour, and the graph below shows I nailed that.

The only real downside today was the wind. Heading west, or the outbound leg, it was pretty much steadily whacking me in the face. Much like last Thursday / Friday actually.

Still, I will take windy over wet.

Overall then a good ride and a nice way to get into the week.

I really didn’t want to ride Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday this week. I was very much looking forwards to two back to back rest days, but I just couldn’t bring myself to ride indoors yesterday. Oh well. Here we are, and on we go.

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