It’s felt like a real shame missing out on the nice weather lately, but two weeks ago last Saturday I really injured my back. It seemed to be getting better last weekend, and then I woke up on Sunday, bent to put on my socks and it went again. Bad times.
I’ve been playing it cautious though, waiting until pain has completely subsided and trying walks first. Today was the acid test.
Sadly, it’s still not 100%. There was pain after about 20 minutes, but I can live with it.

The thing is, I have a split week this week as I’m away Wednesday / Thursday, so riding will have to be done again tomorrow, then the break, and then – hopefully – resume (again) on Friday. I hate this setup. But in terms of healing, it might be for the best.
I went too hard today, for sure. Never learn. If anything, I should have done an indoor ride – for the sake of not hitting the crappo road surfaces. But it’s so hard to get on the turbo when it’s 24c, and hotter inside.
Anyway, I kinda died on my arse about 20 minutes in and just switched back to recovery mode, crawling home.
Still, better than nothing.
I hope.