Thought I’d misjudged this one today. The plan was recovery, but the weather was nice enough to take my ride outdoors. An hour away from the desk on any weekday is always welcome, doubly so when I know I don’t have to nail it.
With 1.5 hours before my next meeting I decided to kit up and head out, knowing roughly the direction I wanted to head, but with the aim to let the road take me rather than have any set route.
Heading out I must have had a tailwind behind me because I was flying along. Any time I see myself pushing over 30kph without really having to exert myself I know something is afoot. Well, that or I’m on a downhill. Actually, in this case I think both were true.
But anyway, I got about 15km out and I was still plowing along on what felt my outbound leg. That was a little concerning as I was over 30 minutes out at that point and aware that if it took the same amount of time to get home, I might be pushing it to make my next meeting. Combine that with the inevitable headwind on the home bound leg and I started to worry I might have gone a little too far from home.

Anyway, I needn’t of worried. Whilst I wasn’t exactly sure where I might end up, I knew roughly where I was going to come out. And somehow that wasn’t as far from home as I had convinced myself it would be.
So yeah, just a base mile builder today. Not exactly recovery, but hardly a heavy duty ride all the same. Enjoyable, if a little ridiculously windy at times. At some points I was glad of all my layers (full winter kit), and at other times I was too hot. Classic British weather really.
Definitely indoors tomorrow. Looking to do Stage 1 of the Tour of Watopia 2022. I’m aiming to do that over my dinner break. I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday! Nuts.