OK then, back to it.
It felt good to get back on the bike today. Perhaps this was not the exact right workout though. It had a bit of variety, but I do wonder if it was a little aggressive with tempo efforts.
The workout I picked was called “Recovery Spin”, which had TSS of 32, and a duration of 42 minutes.
Here’s the workout from WhatsOnZwift:

Probably the better option would have been one of the standard 10-12 week FTP Builder rides, where you sit at ~60% FTP or something for 8 minutes, repeated 5 times. Boring, but predictable and easy on the legs.
I opted for this one simply for variety.

And as I say, that was probably a bad idea. Because whilst I was fine on the bike, immediately after I got off I could feel tenderness in my right knee. My problem knee. So all in all it was likely a little intensive with the 80% FTP / tempo efforts, even for just a minute at a time.

However, I would also admit to getting cocky whilst I was riding and thinking yeah, I’m ready for more than this. Much more. What a clown. I never learn. At least ERG keeps me in check.

But like I say, good to be back on the bike after a week off, even if it is only easier rides. The plan is to do another easier ride tomorrow. I’ll probably do the more steady state FTP Builder ride, simply from lessons learned off this one. If all goes well, I will up the tempo, quite literally, later on in the week.