6 thoughts on “Broken Collar Bone”

    • I think my last crash was in 2012 on the F15/10 as I was whizzing along at about 27mph in a time trial. Two small kids (one on a BMX bike, the other on a scooter) veered across into my path, projecting me into the path of oncoming traffic. Got fairly banged up, but no broken bones. That was fortunate as it was only a couple of weeks before the Duo Normand 2-up time trial in France!

      • Glad you were OK. I saw two kids cut up a guy on my Manchester to Blackpool bike ride a few years back – they watched him come, and when he got close, they seemed to deliberately cut right across him. He went absolutely nuts at them. I was young and innocent back then, no idea how much a fall could hurt 🙂


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