I’ve now finished my third workout and I’m feeling pretty good. By comparison with anyone who has been cycling, or simply keeping fit for anything longer than a week, my stats are completely appalling. But I’m not doing this for them. I’m doing this for me.
My aim this week is to slowly and steadily increase every possible metric. I’m predominantly focusing on distance over time, as that’s the simplest thing for me to understand. Whether that’s valuable, or not, I have no idea at this stage.
I’m still trying to figure out how to get my current sessions stats and compare them to my previous sessions, as I think that would be extremely useful. Also, my wife wants to get on the bike and “race” me. I’m not sure if that’s possible, either. We only have one bike.
I’ve only got 5km of “free track” left on my Zwift trial. That’s something I wasn’t aware of, before buying the bike. I knew Zwift offered a 7 day free trial, but I didn’t realise it had a km limit. It’s 7 days, or 25km, whichever comes first. I mean, that’s fine, and I get why – signing up is free, so unscrupulous / tight people would just re-sign up every time their 7 days were up. Just something to be aware of.
My legs feel a bit like jelly. I ride downstairs, then have to climb (not walk, it’s now a concerted effort) upstairs to write out my blog posts. As I sit here, I can feel my legs pulsing. It’s an unusual feeling.

I know I am capable of more. Much more. I think my main area to improve right now is mental. I have to get over the pain and literally keep pushing.
Tomorrow’s goal is to ride for 20 minutes, and in that time I’d really like to make 7.5km. I’d also really like to figure out why my iPad keeps switching me back to Metric. Originally I’d chosen imperial / miles per hour.
Ride On!