Disappointingly I thought I was going to be back to normal today. Two days off the bike, no major soreness, I thought hey, miraculous recovery!
Alas, no.
I’m really glad I didn’t do what I thought I might, which was to go and get stuck in to the Tour de Zwift Stage 4 Longer Ride. That would have been an absolute disaster. Even at the low intensity today there’s definite pain there still. Not sure what I’ve done, but it’s clearly not good.
I’m now concerned how long it’s going to be before things are right. At a guess, I’m thinking a week or so. Zone 2 seems like a good place to be.

It’s all a bit head in hands. Frustration.
I’m thinking that I could push, but it will only make things worse. Arghh.
But hey, at least I’m on the bike.