A fairly easy end to a very recovery focused week today.
This one being my first outdoor ride of the week, I managed to get a mostly dry run. It didn’t rain, but the ground was very wet and “spray-y” in parts. As such my bike got filthy. Such is life.
Typically, once outdoors I went overly hard in a few places, doing my right calve recovery absolutely no favours. But I couldn’t face another day on the turbo, not when I had the chance to get a bit of fresh air and “enjoy” the relatively quiet Sunday morning roads.

With the idea of keeping things fairly chilled, this route was intentionally quite stop / start-y, and as ever it’s interesting to compare ~50 minutes on the bike outdoors versus the same indoor session. I’m 10km down, roughly, on what I might have clocked up inside. Lies. Total lies.
Anyway, sucks that the weekend is over. Sucks that I’m still not back at 100%. But hopefully this week I’ll get out at least one day, and for the rest I’m going to try to keep it easy again – but maybe a tad harder than I have been doing. Think 170w to 190w, rather than 150w – 170w. Still feels like a long way to go, but my aim is to ride a bit harder and see how I get on.