Last night (I’m writing this the day after) I managed to get out in the late afternoon heat and grab a “quick” 20km session before heading out for my tea.
The idea of this session was to get in 40 minutes of work in order to build up a bit of a calorie deficit before destroying all that hard work by going all in on some fine Texas BBQ. And honestly, mission accomplished.
Although only a short ride, I managed to work up a solid sweat and whilst I’d gone outdoors with the idea of doing a bit of a recovery ride, once I got out I found myself sticking around or abouts 200w.

I don’t know if it’s good or bad news really, but I was asked if I could take the week commencing 17th Aug as a holiday due to no staff cover in the new role. This frees me up to get in a good week’s worth of outdoor riding. And if the weather continues to hold, this could mean a bunch of nice outdoor rides coming up. This definitely makes me feel a bit better about some after work indoor stints on the turbo.
I’ve found it hard this week to do so few kilometres when compared to previous weeks. By dinner time most days I’ve been itching to get outdoors and stretch out my legs. This is kinda evident by not yet having hit my 100km weekly riding goal and we’re now 6 days (at the time of writing) into the week. I’m confident I will more than beat this goal for the week, but it’s been hard to adjust downwards.

One thing I thought about whilst out on this ride was I’m not entirely convinced by my FTP figure at the moment. I think I’ve dipped in performance as of late. Looks like I really need to do another FTP test in September. That will be about 3 months since my last (informal) one, and will set me up for the final quarter of the year, heading into the end of year FTP test (pre Christmas) to confirm I’m still at or ahead of my yearly goal.
I’ll finish up today by saying having to wear suncream whilst riding sucks. When it slowly melts / mixes with sweat, and then starts to drip into your eyes? The pain. Not all positives to this sunny weather it seems. Still, it’s the first time in forever that I’ve had a nice tan. More ups than downs.