For this evening’s ride I opted for Zwift’s FTP Builder program, this time riding Week 7 Day 3.
Riding Richmond, once again I forgot to see how many people were online before starting to ride. All I know was… it was packed.
Compare Zwift to other online cycling platforms and there’s no denying that the sheer volume of other cyclists online with you at any given time is a major factor in Zwift’s favour.

Unlike the last time I rode on Richmond, this time I made sure to choose the flat route.
This was done simply to burn through the kilometers. Much like last week I have my 100km riding goal to hit, and having done ~30km yesterday off Zwift, today I wanted to get as many virtual kilometers ticked off the goal as I could.
Again, like last week, I count the combined total – so for this week I count ~70km done already. Not bad.
But even so, I’d like to hit the goal on Zwift as well, if I can.

This ride was over fairly quickly for me.
At 1h 10m it wasn’t a short ride, but the blocks felt solid, and just different enough to keep me interested.
I forgot my towel, but there wasn’t much of a sweat to deal with, thank goodness.

One thing I did feel, after having ridden 30km on another flat course yesterday, was that Zwift’s ride felt significantly easier.
I don’t know if this was all in my head.
I don’t know if it was because I was on a structured workout – so not feeling any bumps.
All I do know is yesterday I was absolutely thrashed after 30km. It felt like a true workout.
By comparison, after this one I felt worked, but not anything like as worked as yesterday. And the timings to 30km were roughly the same.

My schedule, as covered in the weekly review, remains the same. Tomorrow I expect to do about an hour on Zwift’s “rider’s choice” free ride mode. This is to get a bit of cadence work in on the week.

All things being equal, I should hit my weekly Zwift 100km goal without issue this week. And that’s excluding the RGT Cycling kilometers too.

That said, my legs are feeling fairly fatigued at the moment.
I’m not expecting to go too hard tomorrow.

I am still planning to race at the end of this week. As yet I do not know which race this will be. If I can’t find a suitable looking race on Friday evening I will swap this around some how, some way, maybe to include either Saturday or Sunday.

I’m putting a few plans in motion currently in order to regain some more free time. It’s early days on this front, but ideally if I can free up about 5 or so hours extra each week, I won’t be as tired every day. This can only benefit my fitness.

Lastly for today, I have dropped my weight down on Zwift from 71kg to 70kg. Not sure how much difference this makes to my stats. Probably not much. I did this mid ride (when I remembered), so am not sure if this only takes effect on the next ride.
Anyway, another 500 calories burned, and 38km done. That’s a good start to the week for me.