My poor loved, yet unintentionally badly maintained bike has been led in a heap of parts pretty much since Saturday afternoon, after my disastrous tyre replacement surgery led to the patient dramatically exploding.
Giving up on any dreams of ever becoming a full fledged cycling mechanic, I have instead resorted to a two fold strategy:
- Employ the skills of paid professionals.
- Have my wife and kids pick me up as needed, as a sort of Moss family team car.
So, as I am typing this, I have done a bit of Zwifting today – largely because it’s Tuesday, I’m supposed too, and I’m otherwise devolving into a bit of a lazy slob. Although only 15km, because I had to cut my ride short as the mobile bike mechanic had a cancellation and was able to come earlier than expected.
As such my bike is currently undergoing a full service, replacing some rusty screws, checking over the tyre I have possibly bodged on the front wheel, fully replacing the rear tyre, and generally ensuring everything is as it should be. Because clearly, I have no clue.
Now, it’s pretty cloudy and really not that warm at all these last two days, but all being well with the bike, I’m aiming to get outdoors tomorrow evening. This usually means about an hours ride, but not that many kilometers covers – certainly not as many as I’d cover in the same time on Zwift.
But I am really wanting to get a proper session in. I just did a gentle spin on Zwift tonight, getting the legs moving… been a bit lazy these last three days truth be told. Need to kick that into touch and get some quality time in the legs.
OK… let’s hope things are sorted, and all is right again in the world of cycling.