Zwift Flat is Fast [2024] – Tempus Fugit (B)

A new year, a new racing series. Only, the name of this series has been used before. Last January, in fact. Maybe the Zwift racing series just loops… it wouldn’t surprise me. However last time around, Stage 1 was Tick Tock route, and this time around it was Tempus Fugit. The difference being, this time … Read more

Back To Normal SST

An odd one, this time around. Last week I did my usual Tuesday SST session on Zwift’s Innsbruckring route. It felt way more taxing than the previous week, where I’d used Watopia’s Flat Route (I believe, or maybe Volcano Flat, can’t remember). My concern before today’s ride was that this one would be as equally … Read more

Sweet Spot Tuesday

Tuesday used to be race day. I think for the foreseeable future it’s going to switch to SST day. This should mean it’s SST Tuesday (Sweet Spot Tuesday, got a nice ring to it), then an endurance ride on Wednesday / tomorrow, with the weekly race then taking place on a Thursday. I feel this … Read more

Zone 2 For Me And Zone 2 For You

I guess if you Zwift long enough, eventually you will start the exact same workout at the exact same time as another Zwifter, and then travel the exact same route on the exact same world. Very exact. But beyond that, there is absolutely nothing of interest to report today ðŸĪŠ It was a plain old … Read more