It wasn’t exactly dry today, but it was dry enough to get outdoors. Not to miss my chance, off I went on a little dinner time soiree. The aim today was simply to do ~20km, largely to add to the ~7km I kinda failed at on Tuesday night.
After yesterday’s Zwift Academy workout #6, I was somewhat intending to do an easier ride today. Alas, once out and onto the loop, I found myself flipping to the other end of the spectrum and ultimately going for something of an outdoor FTP test.
Well, I say FTP test, it was a bit loose – and involved having to slow down for things like corners, traffic lights, and road junctions… but you get the idea.
Aside from being dry enough to ride, it was also perfectly warm. Hovering around 17c, I wasn’t freezing, but was just right in my long sleeve base layer and short sleeve jersey and bib shorts. Ideal for putting in a hard effort.
And yeah, whilst this wasn’t a long one, I did work my backside off for a good chunk of the ride today.
With only an hour for dinner I didn’t have long enough to be mucking around. Knowing I’d need to get dressed, get out, do my ride, get back, and get showered / some food in, this one was pushing it for sure. But I made it. Hoorah.
Honestly it was really nice to get outdoors again. It feels like it has been a while. Also it felt like a solid session, so pleased with everything, overall.
It sucks how my weeks been so far. But if I can wriggle my way outside again tomorrow dinner time, I’ll feel like I’m back on track. If not, it’s definitely going to be a dinner time Zwift session – and something fairly easy, too. An endurance session.