I was chatting to someone at work yesterday and they said it was going to chuck it down all weekend. A bit disappointed I checked my weather app and saw that for us, up north, the weather looked fantastic.

However, that did mean it would be roasting by dinner time. So I decided I would head out early today and get my ride in before it got too hot. And I was definitely glad I did that, as it did get very hot by 4pm today. Also I had to attend a family thing, so afternoon riding would have been tricky.

I didn’t have a plan today, but ended up heading out to Penwortham and going on the long and fairly flat, fairly straight ride out for about 7km, and then turning and coming back the same way. It wasn’t a brilliant effort, but it was a solid push.
I think I need to get back on the turbo and do some set sessions really. But the thing is, it’s going to be warm for a while yet and it’s hard to sit in front of the PC when it’s like this.
So we shall see.