Something new and unusual happened to me today. And being an isolated newb I’m not entirely sure what it was. I’ll explain the symptoms and then if anyone knows, please do leave a comment.
So I’d been gunning it.
In prep for my forthcoming FTP test I decided to TT myself on a ~30km loop.
Aiming for above 3.3w/kg ideally, I went hard and long. Perhaps too long considering my pre-ride fuelling consisted only two slices of toast with peanut butter about two hours before setting off. Then water sipped throughout the ride, and I had only two midget gems with me for mid-ride in take. Stupid, really.

Also it was hot today. Hotter than I envisaged. I’d gone out in a short sleeve base layer but my long sleeve brevet jersey. I was cooking, wishing I’d worn something shorter. But with the abundance of midges swarming all over me, I was grateful they didn’t have direct access to my skin at least. Still, I got a few itchy bites.
Pace-wise, I was on form. My Strava for the ride is largely PBs:
And whilst I was pushing myself, it didn’t feel any different to usual. Just longer.
I had in mind the exact spot I was going to finish. My plan was to ride hard to a very specific point, and then ease off and cruise for an additional 5-10km, just to let the legs spin down.
However, when I got about 3km from my intended finish line my mind and body just … gave up?
All of a sudden, like a light switch being turned on, I had nothing left to give. I had to stop, take a breather, take a drink. Fortunately I did have my last remaining midget gem to suck on for a bit of sugar and about 1/3rd of a bottle of water left to sip, but I felt completely spent.
Getting home took a while as I really took my time. I never felt dizzy or like I was going to fall off, like some of the articles I’ve since read on “bonking” seem to imply. But this was definitely not something I’ve ever experienced before.
Fortunately once home I’ve felt fine. I’ve showered and eaten, and generally feel alright. Just unpleasant enough whilst out there, and grateful not to have been too far from home when it happened.
Looking at my stats for the week:

I’m already at my usual weekly training load in only three rides. So yeah, probably been over doing it.
Learned some lessons here regarding fuelling pre and mid ride. Can’t be repeating a heavy session without taking proper sustenance with me.
But also that route today was decent. It was long and flat and could be taken fast. My kind of circuit really. A great TT route – only a few junctions to tackle so can really get the rhythm going.
Anyway, if it sounds like it was a bonk, let me know. Equally if it’s sounding like something else, I’m all ears. I’ve never felt like I hit a wall before, but that was not something I’m keen to repeat.
Sounds like a bonk.
My worst ever bonk was this ride https://strava.app.link/22FMsE0v4rb
Got to about 75km and felt horrible, struggled to put out more than 150w from there on. Then had a cafe stop and thought “hmmm I’m at 85km, be rude not to make it 100km” so limped about for a bit longer.
Regarding the cafe stop – I never take any money with me when I go out. Another mistake I fear. I’ll slip a fiver in the saddle bag as an emergency fund. I guess the problem with the UK right now is by the time I end up needing it, a fiver will be worth about a quid and I’ll only be able to afford a bread stick and tap water.