Last Ride of the Weak

I think I’m paying the price this week for over eating. It’s a jolly long while since I’ve been out to restaurants four times in a week, and both last Friday and this Friday just gone I had several beers. More so last Friday than this, but still, I think my body is like “bro, wtf?” at this point.

Regardless, I had three choices today:

  • Take a rest day? Yeah, not going to happen;
  • Ride indoors? Well I had some Zwift options available, but…
  • Ride outdoors? I just can’t pass up on a bit of sun.

So, out I went. Who knows how many more sunny (alas, but not that warm) Sunday mornings we’re going to get before wintery conditions make it a none starter.

As above I do have a Zwift Academy ride (or two) to get in. But there’s no super pressing urgency on these. I have another 5 days or so to get the second workout done, if I want to do it as part of a group (which I do). And there are only 4 races / group rides to do as the optionals and I have 7 weeks to fit them in. Also, worse case I can do all the workouts as free form rides (much like my first one) so I can safely deprioritise them at the moment.

But the thing is, I kinda feel weak at the moment. It’s not just because I’m significantly above average in terms of kilometres travelled this week. It’s a longer term thing. I know I’ve covered it before, but I can’t help feel all the outdoor rides are so inefficient when compared to indoor structured workouts and racing. Neither of which I’ve been doing much, if at all, as of late.

Sure I enjoyed getting outdoors today. I prefer not being a hot, wet mess after my rides, if I can at all help it. And I like being around other people, even if there’s a viral risk at the moment. I really do miss being around people when I’m sat at my desk all week. Zwift just cannot replace real human interaction, even if I’m just cycling past them.

Today’s ride was fairly standard Sunday fare. I’m concerned with my apparent lack of comparative fitness at the moment but not overly so. But still, in my mind an hour on the bike, even at low intensity, is better than an hour on the sofa.

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