Rainbow Road

This afternoon I managed to sneak in an unplanned and unexpected outdoor ride. Windy? Yes, very much so. A bit wet? Definitely. But worth braving the elements for a bit of much needed exercise.

This week I’ve been off work. Next week I start my next role. I’ve been doing a combo of blowing off steam from the previous 7 weeks of intensive work, and also making the most of restaurants and take aways as whilst I know its not healthy, I have been a little concerned at how much weight I’ve now lost. This week’s intake has definitely gone some way towards righting that ship, let me tell you. So I feel a bit bad about that and my body is screaming out for exercise.

That said I’ve more than met my weekly goals this week, so today wasn’t about anything other than putting down some kilometers, enjoying being outdoors for a bit, and pretty much riding as I fancied it. I found myself doing several longish stints at 3w/kg which felt fine. Probably went a tad too far today, as I’d still like to ride again tomorrow and I guess the next ride should be the next Zwift Academy workout, so maybe I should have been fresher for that one. We shall see.

Somehow I managed to miss the worst of the rain. When I got home, the local area was soaked. At worst I’d been in a bit of a shower but nothing like the intensity that had hit around my house. So much for the forecast of a rain free afternoon.

Anyway, really not much else to say about today. Very windy. Bit wet. Can’t really expect too much more from the UK in autumn I suppose.

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