Well I boobed a bit and probably should have ridden yesterday, given that I am away with work tomorrow and so won’t be riding.
However I was very concerned I wouldn’t be able to ride at all, thanks to my blisters. Neither foot has healed up yet, both have 50p sized puss white balls on the heel.
Thankfully though, even with the blisters I had absolutely no issues today.
I felt decent for a change.
So much so that I decided to do some low cadence drills. I got in three in total, not hitting four simply because I completely forgot about the idea until very late on in the first interval.
That’s not to say that they were enjoyable, however.
I find the low cadence work so much harder than sitting at 95rpm.

For these ones I tried to get somewhere between 70 and 75rpm, which feels like a whole different way of riding. I’m convinced it uses slightly different muscles because it’s absolutely knackering for me.
After each rep I’d relish spinning back up to 95rpm, even more grateful than usual for the lowered wattage requirements also.
Pretty much standard beyond that.
Bit frustrated at not getting to ride tomorrow. Not sure how to play that. Whether to ‘just’ skip it, or to move it to Friday. If I do move it to Friday it means riding Thursday, Friday, Saturday. I guess that’s not so bad.
Really it comes down to whether or not I feel like it, I suppose.