Lube, Pump, Glide

A busy, busy day today, and as such I’m shattered. Yesterday we went to a wedding, staying overnight in Clitheroe. I didn’t sleep well, though not due to alcohol. The room was too hot, and lacked AC. I know, first world problems, etc. But even so, throw in a bike ride when home and I’m asleep on my feet here.

Arriving at the hotel yesterday I spotted the local Ribble Valley magazine cycling magazine has the Ribble Cycling team on the cover. That magazine was all over the hotel, and I made sure to read it. They are headquartered nearby somewhere to the best of my knowledge. Anyway, I thought I would share the story.

I did my fair share of drinking yesterday as it ‘neatly’ coincided with my work contract ending, so I am now a jobless no mark. As such I was celebrating the end of a pretty frustrating ~9 months.

Drinks were free flowing, as you’d expect – it was based in a brewery after all.

But as I say, I did not end up with a hang over somehow. Possible due to not going crazy with the shots, and also drinking water when possible. I just lacked sleep.

This morning I took the kids up to Clitheroe Castle for a wander about. There were plenty of pigeons nesting in the hollowed out ruin of the keep, and the height up there made me feel sick. But it was cool all the same.

Determined to work off at least some of the damage done, I went out when home.

I’d lubed up the chain on Friday, and pumped up the tyres today to 85psi front end back. Being nice and dry, once I was out today I seemed to be gliding along. The only downside is the crappy road surface sends every bump right through the bars.

The weather was glorious. I almost went out in long sleeves, thank goodness I didn’t. It was beautiful out there.

But my legs weren’t up to it. Maybe as a result of Thursday?

Probably just tiredness. I was determined to get in ~30km and at least an hours riding. So mission accomplished, but the stats this week aren’t going to be stellar.

The straw queen above is to do with the forthcoming Jubilee Weekend. Hoorah, etc, if that’s your bag. It’s not mine, but I liked the effort.

The plan is to do another similar ride tomorrow morning. Anything’s better than nothing. If I can be bothered I’ll drag my sorry backside up Jeffrey Hill and down into Ribchester, then head home.

But for now?

Bath then bed.

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