Well what do you know. The last couple of days I’ve felt almost fine. I do mean almost – there’s still pain when taking a deep breath, and laughing hurts… but you know, mostly fine. Like, it doesn’t hurt (as much) now when I get out of bed in the morning. And I can sleep on my left hand side now, which is a positive let me assure you.
And so of course it made perfect sense, to me at least, that I was more than ready to get back on the bike. Outside! Not even on the turbo. Adventurous. Very, very adventurous.
There were a few warning signs this might not be that smart of an idea. You know, the sharp pain when pulling on my bib tights on my left leg. Feeling a bit out of breath when bending over to put on my shoes, but nothing serious enough to stop me and make me consider whether this was a sensible idea.
Of course when I announced I was heading out for a ride my wife gave me a stern talking too. But I was immediately dismissive. I’m fine. I’m fine. Stop worrying. It’s definitely all good.
Anyway, I managed 2km.
Two painful kilometers. A whopping 70 calories or so. 7 minutes. Seven quite painful minutes.
What a stupid idea.
I did discover one useful thing though. Well, two. One being that I’m not yet ready for outdoor bike rides. I kinda knew that. Best to double check though, eh?
The other is that yeah, I probably am ready to be doing some indoor rides now. Without the road bumps, and with the turbo / ERG keeping me around 160w or lower, I think I’ll be fine. So I’ll try that tomorrow dinner time. An hours effort ideally. Providing I haven’t done anything stupid like further damaging myself just now.

I think we can safely say that the return of the McRib was short lived.