I do enjoy the weekly round up email covering my previous week on Zwift.
I wish I had had the legs to ride tonight. Feel like I needed it, but my legs would have not thanked me for it. The previous two days rides have been my longest, so no point going crazy.
Part of me wanted to do a 55 minute low intensity ride, but I figured I would get up at 7.30ish tomorrow and try and get a 30-45 minute free ride in, instead. We’ll see how that pans out.

Overall very pleased with my indoor cycling this week.

My rides:
- Monday – Jon’s Short Mix in NYC
- Tuesday – Climbing on Rest Day
- Wednesday – That’s not how Recovery Rides work
- Thursday – 15km of Hot, Sweaty London Action
- Saturday – Pre Tour of Watopia Stage 2 Ride Ride
- Sunday – 8 Laps of The Volcano Circuit: Tour of Watopia Stage 2
Really happy to have ridden over 100km in a week. That’s exactly 70 miles, according to Training Peaks.
I broke 500w this week.
My Ride On Activity is about 10 given for every 1 received. Feels like my Twitter profile, all over again.
And this icon from Zwift, it looks like a steaming pile of dog’s mess. Give the designer a medal: