Jon’s Short Mix in NYC

This morning I wanted something a little easier to work with, after my previous two rides. I opted, at random, for Jon’s Short Mix, a structured workout.

Thanks to WhatsOnZwift for this picture

The gist of this workout is a building intro, then into:

  • 2 x 1 minute at 150% of your FTP (218w for me)
  • 3 x 10 seconds at 300% of your FTP (435w for me)
  • 1 x 10 minutes at 89% of your FTP (130w for me)

I can’t say I found this workout particularly difficult, but the first half definitely got my sweat pouring.

I enjoyed stretching to above 400w against ERG mode.

What’s most interesting about this workout, for me right now at least, is that Stage 3 of the Tour of Watopia 2019 is going to be a large group workout that uses Jon’s Short Mix as its foundation. I’m not sure how that will play out, but we only have a week to wait to find out.

I didn’t choose this workout because of that. Rather, I remembered that once I’d started riding. But it was nice to get a sneak peak of what’s to come.

Overall today’s workout wasn’t too taxing. I needed something fairly light and this definitely filled that gap.

Probably jump back into free rides tomorrow, with a rest day on Wednesday.

2 thoughts on “Jon’s Short Mix in NYC”

  1. This workout should be hard. If it is not, your estimated FTP is off. At less than 200W your FTP seems really low for a guy. Try doing another FTP test and give it everything you have. Afterwards try Jon’s Mix again and see how you it treats you 😉

    • Hi Jake,

      Thanks for your comment. This was back in April of this year. Things have thankfully improved a lot since then. When I started I was incredibly unfit. Frighteningly so, in hindsight.

      That said I’m still below 200w ftp, but I’m less focused on the number and more on the watts per kilogram, which for me is currently 2.8w/kg.



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