A new week, a new workout, and a new map.
For today’s ride I genuinely cannot remember which map or route I went with, and I haven’t screenshotted it anywhere. My Whoops.
I think it was Alula. Actually it was quite a nice looking map, and a route I haven’t done before.
The workout itself was called Tempo #5.

As is pretty standard now, my wattage output from some part of my setup, and what is reported inside MyWhoosh are about 10-20w different, with the power showing on the Garmin being higher than what is reported in game.
I really wish I knew what is causing that.

What I might do is try to create a man-in-the-middle type thing, where I can meddle with the wattage somehow. I figure ChatGPT will be able to help me with this. It sounds like something that would let me hack stuff, so I’m guessing it might already exist, but I have no competitive requirements so it would only be myself cheating if that were the case.
I actually do think that having a kind of man-in-the-middle thing for BlueTooth or ANT+ would be beneficial in other ways. But that’s just my wandering thoughts at this point. I don’t really need another project.

OK, so the workout itself. It felt good. Getting back up to tempo / a bit of threshold was nice. I find the harder workouts go by quicker in terms of killing off the time, so this one – at 54 minutes – went by quick enough. Certainly better than doing an endurance effort.

Generally I feel the standard of these workouts is bang on par with Zwift. You certainly can’t knock it for the price…. free.
The one area I think the workout could be improved is by showing the intervals in a table format as they go. I do like how Zwift ticks them off, but on MyWhoosh there is no display – just the graph at the bottom. It would be nice to see what is upcoming / remaining.

Anyway, all good. Glad to have this one in the bag. Looking to do something similar on Zwift tomorrow, with the – current – aim being to do an SST session on Thursday.