Good ride this one, aside from the wind. I’d judged it perfectly with long sleeves and a gilet, never too warm nor too cold. Fighting against the wind felt like 50% of the ride though.
Heading out, I didn’t have a route nor distance in mind. Prior to getting out I figured I’d go north, but no sooner had I set off, I turned south and went through a Sunday morning soiree through the ‘city’ centre, and then up into Penwortham. From there, I don’t actually know the roads that well, so kinda just winged it, mainly sticking to “the big roads” and knowing, loosely, that Bretherton was somewhere that would take me back the way I wanted to end up.

As most of this ride was on the A-roads, I didn’t have much chance for any countryside shots nor pictures generally. About the only real sight to be seen was some guys in a field shooting. I hoped it was clay pigeon, but for all I knew it could have been live animals. The bang bang of shotguns isn’t something I’m used too, not being from the landed gentry. As such the first one caught me off guard and made me jump out of my skin.
As I skipped yesterday due to feeling knackered out on Friday, I was half expecting to equally feel tired / lethargic today. Not so at all. I felt great today, and had it not been for the fact that my route naturally led me home, I could quite happily have stayed out for another hour or so.

That said, I am still very much on my holidays at the moment, so putting in these ~40km rides is something I can continue to do without much else happening. That’s lovely. It does make me a little conservative in route choice. I’d rather keep doing 30-40km each ride and do several rides, rather than do one longer ride and thrash myself.
I guess the only thing left for me to do today is to decide whether or not to ride tomorrow. Monday is typically my rest day, and I do have an interview early doors tomorrow. Not overly bothered about that one truth be told, but that won’t stop my brain worrying about the conversation anyway, and so I expect to get a fairly poor night’s sleep.