Hot out there today.
Hotter than I realised, especially as I’d set off in long sleeves for both base layer and jersey. So sweat I did.

I wanted to do over 40km, but wasn’t setting off for any kind of PB. I got one, though. Unintentionally. According to Strava I set a new 40km PB at 1h 17m 44s. But the truth is I completely switched off bang on the hour marker. Whilst actually out on the ride, the important number in my head became “how far could I go by the 1 hr marker on the Garmin”.
The answer to that was 31.7km.

Pretty happy with that outdoors, though that was apparently only good enough for my second fastest 30km. Not sure when or where my first was, as that one felt pacey.
Overall though it knackered me out, and I have been wiped out for the rest of the day.

Still a good ride without much traffic and some good fresh air. My body is feeling tired though. Early on the ride I felt like it was going to be a hard slog, and it was at times. But I did loosen up. It’s not surprising how high that Intervals.icu is currently reporting my fatigue though. I feel thrashed.
Looking forwards to a gentle walk tomorrow, but judging by how hot it is, I expect even that will be a sweat fest.