Pre-Ride Protein

One thing I’ve been doing before my rides lately, rather than after, is to have my protein shake. The reason for this is that by late morning I’m hungry, but I don’t like to eat before I ride. That just leads to a bad time.

So instead I’ve started having my milkshake (raspberry, very nice) before the ride and that, whether or not it’s a placebo effect I don’t know, seems to make me have more energy for the harder efforts.

It’s probably very much not a placebo effect. My very limited science mind tells me that’s probably a very obvious correlation.

Also today I did another couple of laps of some route I’ve become the Strava Local Legend for. This is utterly ridiculous. Some guy then took my title so I’ve become embroiled in a fight with him to retain the title. It’s a stupid competition, but you can see from the map where I did a couple of loops of the same little lap, just to up my total by two.

How tragic.

Lately I’ve been trying to push for a good solid 20 minute effort each ride, and then ease off a bit. I didn’t really manage that today, with my effort not being very consistent at all. However, I did come out with a 20 minute 230w effort, which I am surprised by, and pleased with.

I genuinely think that’s as good a 20 minute effort as I am likely to achieve right now. Maybe indoors I could grab a couple more watts, but if we take the 95% of that, it’s down quite a lot. I feel that is reflective of where I’m at.

However I am riding more, or at least longer lately. So that’s a positive.

Anyway, I think that is it for today. I need to go and wash the bike now.

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