Something of a different session today. I honestly cannot remember the last time my primary ride benefit was Sprint.
But unlike the last time I had an accidental primary benefit of Anaerobic, today was most definitely intentional.
I went out with the idea of doing ten sprints at ten seconds each. They were to be full gas efforts. I can’t say whether I managed ten or not, as it’s really hard to see that with the data presented in the way I have it. However, I definitely tried.
Unfortunately I don’t think I did any one particular good sprint today. But in my defence, sprinting outdoors is significantly harder than indoors, in my experience.

Things didn’t quite go to plan in terms of the time of day for this ride. Being off work this week I should have been able to go out early doors and, ideally, stay out a bit longer than an hour.
But being off work is a double edged sword.
Firstly, I’m expected to do daddy day care. So most of the day was spent doing activities with the kids.
And secondly the fridge / freezer blew up on Friday night, so we’re down to eating all manner of packeted crap and long life junk. Therefore I hardly started the day in a healthy fashion.
But I wasn’t going to let either excuse keep me from at least an hours outdoor jolly.
I’m in a similar boat tomorrow. My plans are basically out of the window, and the weather isn’t brilliant, either.
Bit of a shame really. My one free to myself day is Friday, so hopefully I can get in something interesting that day.
If the weather does turn – and it’s so grey and miserable that it might – then I can always turn to Zwift Academy 2021 for something to do. Heck, I need to do that anyway. I’d rather not be indoors this week if I can help it though. I spend enough time in front of the computer every other week.
So anyway, something different today. Not something I’m going to make a habit of, and truthfully I thought I’d have smashed a good few more calories than I managed today.
I never did much like sprinting.