Much like the rest of this week, today’s ride was without a formal plan or structure. At best I went out expecting to take it easy. I guess if you knock of 0.1 w/kg off yesterday’s average, then yes, I did take it easy.
Unlike the last two Sunday rides, I did intentionally choose something shorter today. This is because I’ve thrashed my legs these past two weekends, to the point where it’s been much later in the before I’ve felt sufficiently recovered to do harder workouts.
That seems counter productive really, so opted for a comparatively shorter ride today.
And flatter.
By and large today’s route was one I’ve covered before. I thought I’d go on up to the cemetery and visit my grandparents grave stone – sounds weird, but it’s lovely and peaceful there. I did notice today someone had etched a cock and balls on the side of the church… so that’s someone securing their place in heck, for sure.

After that I turned off and went down a road I’ve not yet travelled. There was one really nice view down there, which – unfortunately – I haven’t really done justice too. I could see three peaks off in the distance. I’m sure one was Pendle Hill, the middle one was Fairsnape, and I’m not sure on the other. It was fairly cloudy though, and of course I could be badly mistaken.

Aside from that I put in a small number of hard efforts. Perhaps harder than I should have done, really.
That said, for the hour and twenty I was out I managed to push over 900 calories which I’m really pleased with.
Much like yesterday, at no point did it feel like I was going great guns, which is reassuring that the uplift in power I’ve worked towards has now bedded in and I’m capable of holding a decent clip for a good long while. Relatively speaking, of course. I mean when I checked the Strava segments for some of my harder efforts, I was several minutes off the top spot in some cases.
Always someone better, faster, and stronger.
I’ll look to have a rest day tomorrow – that’ll be nice. It’s been 5 days in a row now, and the past two have been the harder rides of the week. Ideally I won’t need two rest days in a row this week, which should free up Friday to be optional.
Anyway, that’s my week over. Time for a bath and then bed. Only got 5 hours sleep last night, I’m bushed.