Bit concerned by this. I got through the session this lunch time with no real issues. It was tiring, and I was glad it was over with when we got to the final 5 minutes at 210w, but then afterwards my right knee has been sending sharp pains when twisting under regular movements.
Not ideal.
I’ve had some tablets to – hopefully – bring down any inflammation, but preliminary signs aren’t great.

The current plan is to have an easier ride tomorrow, which I guess I could swap out for an hour long walk at lunch time. I’ll have to see how this goes over night.
It’s frustrating really. I figured I’d done the right thing last week by recognising the early signs, taking it easy, and resting up. And yet here we are, and that may all have been for nought.
There is a possibility that this is being caused by riding position. It would be odd, as that hasn’t changed in … years(?) at this point. But it could be that? No other gear has changed lately, and the intensity shouldn’t be too high for me.
So here we are. Puff out cheeks time and hope for the best. No blog post tomorrow means a walk was taken.
How much float do you have in your pedals? Knee pain is something I’ve rarely had since I returned to cycling over 30 years ago, but the right amount of float seems important. I’m currently using Look Keo grey cleats, which are the medium float ones.
I’m on Look Keo reds at the moment, and have been now for two pairs of shoes worth. When I replaced my shoes about a year ago, I swapped to the black cleats (I made a mistake there when ordering) and zero degrees is insane. I’ll order a pair of greys – it’s worth a shot for £18.50. Cheers for the suggestion.