Wednesday Base Builder Session

The week continues on with the regular base builder session today. I managed to bring some work with me, and by the time I looked up I was just about to tick over the fourth of five intervals. Not bad going really, as they aren’t the most physically interesting things to ride through.

Even though it was an easier session today, the knee pain is still there – though no different at the start or end of the ride. Concerning for sure, but I’m keeping going as I don’t like the alternative.

That has reminded me to take my daily supplements, so a positive for the blogging 🙂

As I wasn’t massively paying attention to the session today I don’t have a great deal to say about it.

Tomorrow will be a little more involved. It’s race day – no idea what lies in store, but I expect to get smashed along the way.

I guess the question tomorrow becomes whether I stay on after the race and try and tick off the 30km target, or just collapse in a heap like usual and go for an early shower?

Anyway, enough for today.

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