Ahh, the sun has gone again. Even though I managed to slip out early in the afternoon for a lunchtime ride, I wasn’t met with much sun. Instead the clouds had descended, the winds were upon me, and in parts there was blustering rain.
Good old English summer.
That wasn’t to stop me enjoying an outdoor ride though. Technically I went out with the idea of doing some recovery riding, sticking to ~2.4w/kg, that sort of thing. That went out of the window fairly early on. Very hard to retain composure outdoors, especially when the route involves some little uphill bits.
Not wanting to ride on the main roads during the working day, I instead opted for a countryside route heading up towards the fells, but not truly getting close. This typically means the outbound leg is primarily uphill, and the second half is a nice downhill leg home.

Really though, the second half was where the wind and rain picked up. I’m not sure if it’s just that weather is typically worse up closer to the fells, or whether I got unlucky, but it began blustering up that way, and when the rain started I feared I was in for a wet finish.
Anyway, by the time I got home, the rain had buggered off but the wind had picked up gustily. And as I am here writing this, several hours later, the wind went away but the rain came back. So it really can’t make up its mind.
As it stands that is now 3 rides for the week – typically that’s my fill for week days. I’m maybe going to slip in another one tomorrow – have to see how that plays out. Then the weekend ahead is looking less certain. Have to wait and see how this plays out…