Sun Cream: Ready

The sun’s back! And this time, in Pog form.

Simpsons reference there. Anyway, yes, the sun decided to show up. Rained, grey, miserable all day, then my meeting ended (late) at 4.45 and the sun’s like… yes, for you, I shall shine!

So it would have been jolly rude to stay indoors, wouldn’t you say?

Of course it would. So out I went. My wife advised a dollop of sun cream might be advisable. Liberally lubed up, I decided I’d head out and do a hard(ish) but short(er) effort, taking in a route I do fairly frequently – a nice little trip to the edge of Catforth, then looping back.

Overall this was a decent, if largely uneventful ride.

The only downsides today were rush hour traffic idiots doing a couple of stupid things. I had a truck overtake me, then cut me off and slow down to a stop. Moronic. And a woman in a tiny little white car, evidently in the wrong lane, cut across me so she could get home and put me in hospital.

You don’t get that on the turbo.

At 40 minutes done and >500 calories burned, I’ll take it. I wouldn’t have minded staying out a bit longer, but it was late enough that I needed to get back and sort out tea for the kids. There’s always tomorrow.

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