Yesterday I wondered how I’d feel during the course of today, given that whilst I felt fine on the road, I’d suffered once that ride had finished. At the time of writing, I was in pain – not directly from the exercise, but from after effects on my lungs.
Well, the good news is, I woke up feeling fine. Pretty much the same as yesterday. My wife mentioned she was going to drive the car to the garage – yet again – for some repair or other. I’ve lost track, given I rarely drive it anyway. So off she went, and when home, complained of feeling very dizzy on the walk back.
We’re experiencing very similar symptoms.
Shortly – very shortly, actually – after arriving back, the garage rang to say they had completed the work. Turns out, it was a very small job and they did it for free. Result.
Well, not quite. I couldn’t expect my wife to walk back immediately, so I said I’d go on my dinner break. And off I went. Only wearing a T-shirt, coat, and hat, in fairly cold weather, I arrived there having had a point where I felt I was going to faint from overheating. Bad times. I had a full on sweat on when I got there, and by George, it’s only a 1.5km walk, and all down hill.

When I got home, I showered and changed. All good. Felt right enough once I wasn’t having to do any activity.
It got me thinking though. Half of the walk I was doubting myself. Am I even ill? Is it all in my head? Could I be making all of this up? I mean, it comes and goes whenever it seems to please.
And yet then I have the second half of the walk where I’m sweating and nearly passing out. What gives?
Well. Anyway, I repeated yesterday’s workout all the same. And like yesterday I felt fine during, and thankfully, have felt fine after.
So who the heck knows.
I sure don’t.
All I know is I don’t think it’s made up. But then… maybe I would think that, wouldn’t I?
The only one who would know is a Doctor – but good luck trying to get in there at the moment. Phone consultation anyone?
Last time I spoke to the doctor, I got diagnosed as having acid reflex. I don’t doubt that. The symptoms match. Maybe it’s just that. Maybe we both have it, my wife and I. Maybe that explains it all. But does acid reflux doesn’t seem to cause overheating during mild exercise… so honestly I’m still as confused about this whole thing as I was before the walk.
Still, I managed another hour on the bike. That’s the main thing. Right?