TGI Friday

Friday. Finally!

It’s felt like a long week this one. So much so I couldn’t actually wait till 5pm to get out and get some fresh air. I needed to be away from the PC.

I had my exact route in mind today, which is unusual. I figured I’d head out and do some quiet roads before heading back via the Guild Wheel, through Avenum Park and then home via Garstang Road. As it was midday I was hoping for a bit of a quieter time than rush hour.

On that front, mission accomplished.

Having skipped both Monday and Tuesday though it does feel like I’m behind somehow this week. With the last two rides clocking in at a combined 40km, and the week in total only at 68.3km I feel like I’m massively down on where I ought to be. Silly really, but that’s the feels.

Having done three rides in a row though now, even with two shorter ones, I feel like I need a rest day, and yet here we are going into the weekend. Not ideal.

The smart thing to do would be to sit on the turbo, do a recovery style ride and clock up the virtual KM’s. There’s many benefits to doing that, and maybe if I’ve not spent ~8 hours sat staring at the screen already I may be more inclined to make a go of it.

I was speaking to my brother yesterday about something different but sort of related. I asked him why he hadn’t bothered to upgrade his PC in a while, and he replied that the last thing he wants to do after spending all day working in his home office is to spend even more time in there gaming. Fortunately for him he can go on his Xbox or whatever he uses… not quite so with Zwift.

Anyway, whilst I enjoyed today’s ride – and I missed any rain, hurrah – I still feel like I ought to have done more. That’s not really possible on a lunch break. The time limit is pretty hard set. But anyway, better than nothing.

Reading this back, my God, I’m never happy. What a misery guts.

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