Out of order, but the show must go on.
Make up week is here, and I’ve dodged the eye liner and lippy, and instead have donned my runners for the first of two 5k’s to be ticked off this week in order to finally complete the Tour de Zwift 2024 Run.

I wasn’t sure I’d get on for this one, but with a bit of crafty talking on my part, I managed to extend the meeting slightly, making the lunch break fall nicely at around 12:40, such that I could get on for 13:00, run for ~30 minutes, then be off in time to stretch, shower and make some sandwiches, with just enough time left over to get back on for a 13:40 resumption of the Zoom marathon.
The plan today was simple really: continue ticking up by 0.1kph, such that this run would be done at 10.8kph I believe. That means the final one will be done at 10.9kph… unless I have slightly boobed here and I was running at 10.9kph today.
It’s hard to remember.

Also, even with the Zwift Run and its far more consistent run pace tracking, it is still not bang on to what is shown on the treadmill.
What this all means is I yet again set a bunch of PBs. And all being well, I will do so again in the next (and final) run. I guess the easiest way to tell whether I was at 10.8 or 10.9kph will be to see if the time at 10.9kph is exactly 5m 33s for a kilometre. If it is, I need to tick it up to 11! Spinal Tap style.

At this point I will say that whilst I do not find the runs easy in any way whatsoever, I do not find them anything like as hard as I did back at the start. I have definitely adjusted, and would feel fairly confident now heading outdoors to do a 5km run. Not that I am going too.

I was fairly surprised how many people turned out for this one. Being a make up session, the easier of the two runs for my stage, and one of two stages running at 13:00 GMT, I was expecting this one to be poorly attended. I think, however, there were at least 20 others on for the slot. Not bad for cycling’s poor cousin.

Overall then, glad to have this one in the bag, and definitely looking forwards to finishing off the final stage later this week. It’s either going to be Thursday, or quite possibly Saturday. And you never know, I might even opt for the longer route to see this one out.